Kali Muriaticum acts magnificently on the ears and is of special service in treating numerous ear-related problems. Ear Complaints (Ear Infection, Ear Discharge, Blocked Eustachian Tube, Noises In Ear) Clinical IndicationsĮar disorders, otitis externa, otitis media, eustachian tube congestion, otorrhoea, cold, nasal congestion, epistaxis, sore throat, tonsillitis, headache, dandruff, sinusitis, mouth ulcers, oral thrush, stomatitis, cough, bronchitis, joint pains Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy 1. It also manifests its action on head, mouth, respiratory system, limbs and joints.

This medicine’s chief action is noted on the ears, nose and throat. Its use is highly recommended for cases of ear infection, cold and sore throat. Complaints attended with thick white discharges is one of the marked indications pointing towards its use. It is one of the 12 biochemic medicines in homeopathy also known by the name of Schuessler’s twelve tissue remedies. Potassium chloride is inert in its crude state and when it goes through potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines via which medicinal properties of a crude substance are aroused), it gets converted into a brilliant homeopathic medicine Kali Muriaticum. The remedy Kali Muriaticum is derived from potassium chloride.